Key factors in a successful one night hookup

Be straightforward. How to get a one night hookup? Simple. Be direct. You are here for sexual encounters, so why not make it clear from the beginning? I mean, of course, spend a few minutes getting along with her, but it doesn’t make sense to spend half an hour discussing her dreams and ambitions. Unless you really want to date her. Laugh, chat, try to touch her in the right place, such as her shoulders, waist or hands. If she is positive about your touch, then go ahead. If not, apologize and then back off.

Be honest. Make it clear to your lady that a one night stand is expected by you at the end of the night. Don’t deceive her and let her believe that things can go further. Tell her clearly in a clear language. Don’t grind on this issue. If you have reached the age at which you can make love, then you have reached the age at which you can express your feelings. If not, then go home, baby.

Leave this place as soon as possible. It doesn’t really make sense to talk to her before the club closes. Turning off lights, crowds, clean spots and lack of music are momentary emotional killers. Not to mention that the longer you stay in one place, the more tired you and she will be. So leave the club, bar or night club at a reasonable time.

Don’t forget to write down her phone number. How to get a one-night stand with the same person for more than one time? Well, if you are interested in her or want to be friends with her, then it is very important to get her phone number. Forget to ask her phone number when you get home or motel is the last thing you want it happen. So you should ask either when you talk to her, or when she is ready to leave.

Cleverly reveal some details. When chatting, subtly give some information or hints to get extra points and increase the chance of a one-night stand, such as your house is nearby, your apartment is very good, or you can make delicious steak. These things will make your potential one-night stand think you are a great man, and going home with you is not a bad idea.

Looks good. Appearance is the most important factor in achieving a one-night stand.

Be gentle and respect her. If you want to try something, ask her for permission. Also, ask her if she have some preferences that she wants to try and do your best to achieve her sexual fantasies.

Don’t pretend to be emotional and complicate things. You don’t need to comment on how good she is, praise how beautiful she is, or take the initiative to send her home. Just say thank you and you had a great night with her. There are so many sugar momma apps and free dating apps for tinder hookup. I highly recommend Hookup to all of you. 

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